2015年7月9日 星期四

Revised Proposal

After consult, I decide to take game type as my FYP application.
Below is revised proposal before next consult.

Nutrition Counter

Player need to solve the problem on choosing the right food in a small grocery under guidance of parent with limited quota, to educate them the importance of nutrition through the application

Target Audience
5 and above

1.    To educate children on choosing proper food through the application as nutrition is always important to human body especially children which affect a lot on their growing stage.
2.    Children can learn how to choose their food properly to make sure themselves know the importance of taking healthy food to grow healthy.
3.    Through VR enhancement children can experience the realism on handling the item through drag and drop.

-       To immerse user through suitable look and feel based on user range of age
-       To learn the knowledge of nutrition through pop up information and image based explanation info.
-       To allow user access through application at home without going to the actual places.
-       To understand the importance of nutrition through the guidance of the professional knowledge and learn together with parent.

There is title page which stated that an simple introduction of the application after click the start game button. First stage will be in a supermarket which allow user to choose the food and raw material they want in limited amount of choice. It also will have pop up information while user select the food which let the user learn about the item at the same time. And there will be a result calculation based on what kind of food user choose after choose the food and walk to certain area to choose to end the level which proceed to the result page.

In 2nd stage, there will be also more obstacle and also lifepoint limited.
More food choice and the stage will change from supermarket to grocery to enhance the difficulties.

3rd stage the scene will change into kitchen in the house and also user need to careful to take in same time prevent accidently drop something which might hurt yourself as also can learn household safety in the same time.



