2015年7月16日 星期四

Confirmed topic and gameplay

Veggie Sentai (Sentai means ranger in Japanese)

Player need to use the power which given by the veggie warrior to defeat the gems/illness by using specific power on specific enemy

Target Audience
7 and above

1.    To educate children on benefit of consuming vegetables through puzzle solving and quest which children need to learn that what kind of vegetable contain the nutrition that can defeat certain gems/illness such as flu, diarrhea 

-       To learn the knowledge of nutrition through pop up information and image based explanation info.
-       To educate children on the correct knowledge of nutrition in more simple explanation and willing to consume more veggie as reduce picky eater.

At title page, as typical game there will be start game button, instruction and option button available

There will be 3 stage, and player need to gather the power from the veggie sentai member according the boss and the minions (gems) as they only can be defeat by acquire specific power.

First stage will be flu gems as player need to gather vitamin C power from one of the veggie member as player need to find out the veggie member which contain vitamin C power.

Example: (Broccoli contain rich vitamin C than orange.)
information from

Second Stage will be disease which need more than one kind of nutrition as player need to acquire more power to defeat the boss and his minion.

Same as third stage. All of the stage have tips and information before game start to tell player which veggie member he need to find as player need to pick the accurate one while they able to read the ability of each veggie member hiding in the map while talk with them, and player need to pick and acquire the power only able to damage the minion and boss of each stage.

