2015年7月1日 星期三

Initial Proposal- Simulation Type

Convenient Shop Simulator
Learn how to work as a convenient shop worker such as placing the goods correctly or cleaning by following the instruction.
Target Audience
Youngster and teenagers about 15 and above.
1.       To allow user experience the actual procedure of how to work in a convenient shop such as put the goods on the racks, serve the customers, etc.
2.       This virtual application will let user experience how it actual work in convenient shop and learn how to serve the customer without work in the actual shop.
3.       The project allow user to interact with the goods and customer through keyboard and mouse to move the item to the correct places and other interactions.
-          To immersive user through realistic scale and realistic work flow in convenient shop
-          To understand the actual work flow of working in convenient shop through instruction
-          To learn the skills of serving the customers and complete work with requirement
-          To allow user access the learning environment through application without in the actual places

On the title page, user able to choose start game, and also introduction page of this simulator, and after click start game, there is few level which require to complete accordingly such as open the shop with putting the display board and some racks, which require to complete before the shop business time start. This is how level 1 look like.
Come to level 2, it will be goods arranging which need user take the stock from storeroom and arrange it accordingly, and don’t forget to put price tag because some of it might missing the price tags.
Go to level 3, user will experience how to serve the customers by take their goods from the basket and scan the price, put into the plastic bag after scan the price, then collect payment from the customer and don’t forget greet customer before they leave.


